Thursday, July 9, 2015

Looking ahead!

Wow!  Time has really passed quickly since my last post!  I hope it continues to go just as fast!  I'm sure I'm the only teacher right now wishing that summer passes so quickly!  I'm actually ready for next summer to be over!  You'll discover why as you read through this post.

I am now 5 treatments in on the new chemo, Abraxane.  It's not a common chemo that patients receive.  And to be honest, I believe I may be the only patient receiving this kind in the center at this time.  But I'm so thankful for this kind as I'm doing so much better on this kind than the Taxol!  No fever, no chills, no cough!!!  Some pain from time to time and my white blood cell count has dropped twice, but not enough that I haven't been able to receive treatment.  To get my count up, (2 weeks ago and this week), I get a shot of Neupogen the next 2 days after treatment.  No biggie!  They could cause me more pain, but I'm fortunate that I haven't really had an increase in pain.  I pray that goodness continues! 

The worst part about this new chemo is the fact that it's weekly and has extended my treatment.  I will now receive a treatment every Tuesday through August 4th.  I only have 4 treatments remaining!  Woo hoo!!!!  #chemocountdown  26 days!!!
June 30 was a bittersweet day as it was originally going to be my last treatment day for chemo had I remained on Taxol.  With that being said, I'm soooooo thankful to be off Taxol and on Abraxane.  I couldn't handle the side effects Taxol was giving me.  For those of you reading this that made it through the Taxol treatments without the side effects, you are so fortunate and I'm so jealous!  

I'm so ready for the next step in ridding my body of this cancer!  And that next step is surgery - a bilateral mastectomy.  At this time, my surgery is scheduled for Thursday, September 10.  I can't wait!!!  As you may remember, I was anxious to start chemotherapy, too.  Why?  It's getting me closer to getting me healthy!  And of course, becoming a SURVIVOR!!!  I'm so ready for surgery because I can't wait for my doctors to tell me that the cancer is gone!  My ultimate goal!  But of course, I have to prepare myself for the fact that they may not be able to get it all.  I originally had 4 spots.  I won't know how much remains until my PET scan (August 3rd).  2 of the 4 spots are inoperable due to their location, so hopefully the chemo has gotten rid of them and the radiation will totally finish them off.  I'm not worried about the spot on my right breast as that will be removed in surgery.  The mass under my arm I believe will be the most troublesome to remove, especially if it's still attached to nerves.  But I continue to remain nothing but positive!!!

Even after surgery, I have a very long road ahead of me.  And I'm not just talking about the recovery.  I will have radiation after that (5 days a week for 5-8 weeks - the time period is all yet to be determined), I will need physical therapy, and hormone therapy.  Oh, and the reason I'm ready for next summer to be over with, I'll need at least 1 more surgery to complete the reconstruction process.  I plan to do that next summer.  I unfortunately have to take at least 6 weeks off school this year for the first surgery.  If at all possible, I don't want to have to take off again for another surgery.  It's difficult to think of another summer spent healing, but it will be so worth it!

Overall, I'm doing as well as can be expected.  The worst side effect is losing taste.  It lasts about 2 days and can be very rough/frustrating.  My oldest nephew told me today to suck on a lemon.  I told him that I believe I could eat the whole thing and it wouldn't phase me.  I am not a lemon fan!

I'm ready for the next 4 weeks (4 treatments) to pass.  I'm thrilled that I get to start the school year, even if it's only for 11 days!  And I'm ready to get out of the house for more than a few hours!  Cole and I are headed to Arlington, VA tomorrow!  We go to the Washington Capitals Rookie Development camp every summer.  We were contemplating skipping it this year due to my health, but we just need to get away!  And we need our summer hockey fix!  So this is our summer trip!  While so many are enjoying their beach trips, we'll be visiting the ice rink!  I'm totally fine with that!

I ask that you say a prayer for a friend that was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.  She's a beautiful girl with a beautiful family and a beautiful soul!  I know that she will be fine and will also get through this.  But we all know that prayer is powerful and can only help her and her family.  I hope and pray that I can help make her journey just a bit easier. 

As always, thank you for your continued support and thank you for continuing my journey with me!  I'm kickin' this!