Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Chemo Complete!!!

It's so hard to believe how quickly time is passing!  The world stood still when I was diagnosed.  Time truly flew by during treatment and I couldn't be more thankful that it did!  It's been over a month since my last post and I have great news!!!
The unfortunate news is that neuropathy (numbness, tingling, and pain) set in and I was unable to receive my last 2 treatments.  The neuropathy isn't horrible, but it's too widespread and too severe to continue treatment, so July 21st was my last treatment - 1 day after my 38th birthday!!!  I was disappointed that I couldn't finish treatment, but it wasn't a huge concern for my oncologist since it was only 2 treatments.  In a way, I feel like I didn't meet a goal. 

I had a PET scan on Monday, August 3rd.  I wasn't worried about this one.  I was excited for the results.  I met with my oncologist on August 4th and she went over the results of the PET scan with Cole and I.  Great news!!!  Nothing "lit up like a Christmas tree"!  No signs of cancer!  But that doesn't mean that there still isn't some little specks remaining there.  It just isn't detectable on this scan.  And right after she explained the great news, I heard it.  The word you don't want to hear...  "But..."  NO!!!!  I just wanted to celebrate the great news.  Give me the "but" on a different day.  Her words, "There is something that showed up on your liver.  I'm sending you for an MRI."  Seriously!?!  I'm so thankful that she's so thorough!  I had such a an awful time trying to celebrate the good news because this was lingering.  I had to wait nearly a week.  On Monday, August 10th, the technician doing the MRI walked over to me and said, "I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to be looking for on this, but everything is clear.  Your liver is fine."  PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!  He reminded me that he wasn't the expert reading the scans, but he should easily see something if there was something wrong with my liver.  I was so relieved!!!  Dr. Lee called me that evening to verify that the results of my MRI were clear!  Nothing wrong with my liver!  
I met with my surgeon today.  My surgery is scheduled for August 25, the first day of school.  I'm super excited for my surgery, but super saddened that it's on the first day of school.  It's been a whirlwind of doctor's appointments, scans, and tests, with more to come prior to surgery, but it's all good this time around.  I'm not stressing and worrying.  I'm excited!  
It is such a relief to be done with chemotherapy.  I know I went through a lot with that, but time really did pass quickly.  I recently reflected on exactly what all I went through.  I still choose not to complain about physical side effects.  There are so many others out there that have experienced far worse symptoms than I have.  I can't complain, even though my doctors tell me otherwise.  The physical side effects were rough.  I'm still experiencing a few, but I know that most will soon subside.  But I also know that it could take a year for the neuropathy to disappear.  I made a list of all of the physical side effects I experienced.  36.  That includes some of them grouped together.  For example, neuropathy is actually 3 things, but I only counted it as 1.  And these are only the physical.  I didn't list the social and emotional side effects.  Regardless of what I experienced, I realized how strong I truly am.  Going through chemo isn't an easy thing!  But it sure did benefit me!  I pray I never have to do that again!
So, moving forward...I'm looking forward to surgery and the moment when my doctors tell me I am cancer-free!  I've cried many tears for so many different reasons throughout all of this, but I know that I will bawl like a baby when they tell me those magical words!  I'm so ready!!!