Saturday, January 23, 2016


It's been 2 months since my last post, and of course, there's been a lot that has happened between then and now.
The night after my last post, Cole and I were treated to seats in the suite at the Hershey Bear's game.  Thank you to Bob Ancharski for these tickets!!!  We had the best time!!!

On December 7, 2015, I celebrated my last day of radiation.  

I endured 30 treatments very well!  My team of radiation technicians and my radiation oncologist are very pleased with how well my skin held up during radiation.  I'm even more pleased because I didn't have a lot of burn.  I had what looked like a sunburn for weeks, but the majority of my burn didn't set in until about my last 3 treatments.  The burn continued after treatment and I had to continue working only half days as I couldn't tolerate wearing clothing on the burned areas.  But the week after radiation ended, I began working full days...the week before Christmas!  What was I thinking!?!  It was worth it.  I was happy to be back in my classroom full time!

Christmas was approaching and Cole and I decided to not buy gifts for one another this year.  We'd been through enough this year and we just wanted to spend time together and be grateful for what we have.  He told me Christmas Eve that I had a gift to open on Christmas day.  I wasn't sure how to react.  We said no gifts and now I had nothing for him.  He told me it wasn't from him.  I asked him who it was from, but he wouldn't tell me until I opened it on Christmas morning.  Christmas morning arrived and Cole told me to open my gift.  I tore open the paper and opened the box.  Here's what I found...

I cried.  I couldn't believe it.  My very own Hershey Bears breast cancer awareness jersey!  Just like the players wore during warm-ups for the breast cancer awareness game on October 25!  Cole told me it was from the Hershey Bears.  Speechless! Thank you so very much Hershey Bears!!!!  I wear it with pride!!!

Throughout the last couple of radiation treatments and continuing throughout the next couple of weeks, and even to this day, I've had some pain and discomfort around my collar bone area - the area where cancer was.  I had my 3 month check-up with my oncologist on January 15.  I told her about this discomfort.  I barely had the words out of my mouth when she told me she was ordering a PET scan for me.  Of course I was shaken up and worried...once again.  third scare in just 5 short months.  I had the PET scan this week and praise God!!!  All is clear!!!  I'd like to say that I've had it with scares.  I have, but as long as they are only scares and everything remains clear, I will handle them.  I will get through them.  I'm just so fortunate for my amazing team of doctors.  They don't mess around.  The biggest reason is because I was stage 3c.  There's only 1 number after 3 and they don't want me reaching that number.  

I started getting a shot (Lupron - a.k.a. Eligard) once a month in September to shut down my ovaries.  I also started taking Exemestane to control the estrogen in my body.  I'm doing these things since my cancer was 100% estrogen-fed.  The medicine has caused me chronic, crippling pain, mainly in my hands and fingers.  It also causes an upset stomach every day.  I was adjusting to this, but it was extremely painful and made it difficult to do many things in my daily life (i.e. opening a water bottle, typing, etc.).  I told my oncologist about this and she switched me to a new medicine, Arimidex.  Here's hoping the pain isn't as bad.  I was warned that it may still cause pain, but hopefully it's not as bad for me.  Time will tell.  She has to monitor my bone density because it apparently causes lots of issues with bones.  Lovely.  But thankful I'm being closely monitored.  My oncologist also started me on Effexor (an anti-depressant medicine) to help control my hot flashes.  I told her I wasn't in need of anti-depressant as I'm certainly not depressed and I didn't want to take any more meds.  She said it wouldn't work on me like it would those who take it for depression.  I agreed to try it.  Wow!  It certainly took the hot flashes away!  I was so excited!  Until I hit an ultimate low.  It made me so weak, so light-headed, and a total loss of appetite.  I only ate half a sandwich and 2 bites of soup on Monday.  I tried to eat Tuesday, but 1 bite of broccoli was enough for me.  I called my doctor and she ordered me to stop Effexor.  I was happy to regain my appetite and become myself again.  But I'm supposed to start it back up again Wednesday.  Ugh!  I'm excited to have it take away the hot flashes, but not sure it's worth feeling that way to get that desired outcome.  We shall see.
I meet with an ob/gyn on Monday, January 22 to set up surgery for ovary and fallopian tube removal.  This will eliminate the need to get the shot every 28 days.  I am also going back to physical therapy as my left arm is not doing well ever since surgery.  I have a very difficult time lifting and putting that arm down.  It pains me quite often.  But I'm managing.

So, how am I doing?  Honestly, I'm doing well right now.  It's only been a week since I started my new medicine.  I remember that it took a month before I started feeling the full effects of the first med I was put on.  So I have to give this one time to set in.  Praying it's better.  I'm doing much better since my most recent scare has passed.  I'm doing a lot better since I stopped the Effexor.  Praying it goes better when I take it next.  I'm slowly getting back to being myself.  I continue expansion for reconstruction.  My first expansion on the right side after radiation was definitely a bit painful.  After a couple of days, I was better.  But I definitely felt that I was done with it.  I didn't want anymore.  I do not like these expanders, but it's better than the thought of having another major surgery.  I admire those who are able to go through that kind of surgery for reconstruction.  I know it's definitely not for me.
Anyway, I continue to get better, gaining more strength and energy.  It's great to be feeling better.  Oh, and it's great to have hair!!  It's growing, slowly but surely.  Even though everyone thinks it's growing fast.  During these cold days, I sure do miss my long locks to keep my neck warm.  And speaking of staying warm, I am absolutely enjoying this blizzard we are experiencing right now as I type!  I have always loved snow, so the 23 inches we've received so far is incredible!  For me, at least!  I'm such a kid!!!

Until next time, I pray that all is well for you and that all remains well for me!  As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your continued thoughts and prayers.  I have the most incredible support system!