Sunday, October 18, 2015

Back to School!

I finally go back to school tomorrow, October 19!  I'm very excited...very excited to meet my students, to see everyone, and to get my life back in some sort of routine and normalcy.  
So, while I've been off work (school), here's what I've been doing - doctor's appointments with my breast surgeon, my plastic surgeon, my oncologist, physical therapist, and my radiation oncologist.  Oh, and I had appointments with my optometrist, my dentist, my primary care physician, and my acupuncturist.  I had some down time, but I felt like I was always at some doctor's appointment.  In that down time, or more like during my periods of insomnia, I binge-watched Scandal.  I admittedly also did some school work.  
Let me back up and tell you about my doctor's appointments.  One week after surgery, my pain pump and 1 of my 3 drains were removed.  One week later, I had the other 2 drains removed.  So happy to have them out!  Even better, I never felt them coming out!  I had my first expansion 1 week after surgery and quickly realized that it was too soon to have that done!  Ouch!  It's a neat process that I won't go into detail describing, but let's just say that I'm so glad the nerves don't exist in my breasts, or what used to be my breasts!  I'd rather not feel that large needle!  Expansion, or fills, aren't that bad.  My chest gets a bit tight, but muscle relaxers help.  I don't have pain with my expanders, just tightness from time to time.  I have a lot of skin irritation, though.  Everything is going well in regards to my incisions healing, no lymphedema (swelling), and expansion.  
I began hormone therapy about 3 weeks ago.  One of my next surgeries will be removing my ovaries.  I want to get through radiation before having that done, so it's a shot once a month for me to shut those babies down.  My cancer was estrogen-fed, thus the reason for needing/wanting this surgery.  I'm taking Exemestane daily to aide in this process of blocking estrogen.  It's a newer medicine as most patients take Tamoxifen.  I hear the side effects of Tamoxifen are rough.  I'm definitely having side effects, but I don't believe they are as bad as what they could be.  Can't say I'm thrilled about all of the hot flashes, body aches, pain, and sick feeling in my stomach every morning, but, I've heard worse.  As of now, I've agreed to stay on this medication...for the next 10 years!  
I've been cleared to have my port removed!!!  Another surgery to be scheduled, but no idea when.
I was supposed to have simulation for radiation (getting me marked and ready) on Friday, October 2.  I needed more expansion and more mobility in my right arm, so I was referred for physical therapy and rescheduled for simulation 2 weeks later.  Fortunately, I had simulation on Friday, October 16.  I'm ready to start radiation on Monday, October 26.  I will definitely have 24 treatments, possibly 29.
I appreciate the love, support, and prayers.  I ask for continued prayers for some uncertainties.  I choose to not go into detail at this time regarding this.  I continue to keep my positive attitude and high spirits!

Now for the fun stuff!
Here are pictures from the "I'm Bald and Beautiful" fashion show hosted by Pink Hands of Hope!  Cancer survivors were part of a fashion show.  During our walk, Alicia Richards from abc27 news read our story (our journey).  
Alicia Richards, Brian (owner of Pink Hands of Hope), and me 

Me during my walk in the fashion show
Dr. Lee (my oncologist), me, and Dr. Barton (my breast surgeon)
Supporting all survivors at the fashion show!

Here's one of my favorite pictures!  It was taken at Wildwood, NJ.  Cole and I were there for his sister's wedding last weekend.  I had no idea that I would be brought to tears while this picture was being taken.

These next pictures were taken during the Making Strides for Breast Cancer walk yesterday (October 17) in Harrisburg, PA.  I was so happy to see my doctors and staff from Pinnacle Health!!  It was such a great time!  My team, Wendy's Warriors, had 20 walkers and we raised $1505.00!  It was very emotional at times, especially when the walk started as they played Rachel Platten's Fight Song.  I cannot listen to that song.  It doesn't just make me cry.  I bawl!  And when they played it yesterday, I bawled!  

 Wendy's Warriors!
Thank you to those that donated and joined our team!

I'm very proud to say that I made it the entire 3 miles!  I finished the more ways than one!!!

So, where am I now?  I continue physical therapy.  I'm doing well on the right side of my body, but my left needs some work.  I continue to have difficulty raising and using that arm.  It will get better!
I'm hoping that all goes as planned and I start radiation on the 26th.  When radiation is over, I will continue expansion and prepare for the exchange surgery, but that is months away.  It's so nice to get through each phase of this journey.  But I've quickly learned that once you get through one phase and turn the corner, something else is waiting for you and you have no down time in between phases.  I've had no breaks since diagnosis and there are no breaks in sight for me for quite awhile.  But most continue to reassure me that the worst (chemo) is over.  So far, I agree.  It truly is such a long, emotional journey.  I pray that all of the pink this month raises awareness and everyone, not just women, are doing what they can to prevent going through what I have.  Remember, men get breast cancer, too.  

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