Monday, April 6, 2015

Groundhog Day

I do not like that movie at all!  But that's what my life will be like for the next 6 weeks.  How I've felt each day after my first treatment is how I'm going to feel each day after my next 3 treatments.  My doctors and nurses say that there will be little variation.  So let me tell you how my first 2 weeks have gone.
The day of, I felt pretty good.  The day after, tired, but that didn't keep me from surprising everyone when I showed up at school for a full day!  2 days later, I was exhausted.  I could barely keep my eyes open.  I did not sleep well the night prior.  But nothing was going to keep me from missing the big event after school!  I was donating my hair and getting my head shaved!  I loved every moment!  After I got ready for school that morning, I put/threw away all of my hair products, hair dryer, curling iron, straightener, etc.  It was the best feeling to see the entire bathroom counter top!  Not so much fun seeing the dirt/dust that was hiding under some of those things.  Ha!  Enjoy the pictures!

My first look!

Because nobody fights alone!  I have the best husband!
I had no idea he had planned this.

 3 days after my first treatment found me so sleepy (from not being able to sleep at night - partly due to the medication) and I could only make it through a half day of school.  I rested Saturday and was able to make it to the Hershey Bear's game Saturday night.  For those of you that know me, I am a huge hockey fan.  I have had season tickets for the Hershey Bears for several years and plan to continue to renew these tickets each season for as long as I possibly can.  Cole and I have awesome seats!  2 rows up from the ice, 3 and 4 seats away from the Bears' bench!  To say that I am a huge fan is an understatement.  One season a few years back, I attended 74 of the 101 games that they played.  Yes, I traveled many times and many miles to see them play.  Our class pen pal is a Hershey Bear!  Many, many, many thanks to number 36, Garrett Mitchell!  You can probably tell that these games give me something to look forward to.  My goal is to not miss a game, especially since playoffs will be starting soon.  But don't worry, I know my limits.  
Sunday was a great day.  I rested and was ready to start the week.  I drove to school Monday and realized on the way there that I should have stayed home.  I couldn't stay awake as the exhaustion and fatigue was setting in hard and fast.  My parents picked me up at lunch.  I slept some that afternoon and was hoping to get enough sleep that night to make it back to school the next day.  Well, the next day, one week after my first treatment, I was still really fatigued and did not sleep well that night, so I had no choice to take off that day.  I was feeling well by lunch and wanted to go to school for the afternoon, but I was so glad I didn't go in.  The pain from the Neulasta shot was now setting in.  I could barely get off the couch.  Any little pressure on my body felt like my bones were breaking.  It wasn't the worst pain I had ever experienced, but it was bad.  Tylenol helped a bit as well as a hot bath.  But at 1:45 Wednesday morning, I was waking up Cole asking him to get me Claritin.  There's something in Claritin that helps with the pain associated with the Neulasta shot.  We, of course, had no Claritin in the house, so at 2:30 AM, Cole returned home from Giant with Claritin.  It fortunately set in quickly.  It didn't take away all of the pain, but it helped a lot!  I did not sleep at all that night, so I spent all day Wednesday at home.  Thursday was the best day I had had since treatment day!  I felt like I was on top of the world!!!  Friday was just as good as Cole and I were headed to Norfolk, VA with our great friends, Amy and Joe!  Yes, this was a hockey road trip!  We had the best time!  Winning 500 tickets on a game at Dave and Buster's was incredible!

  I actually got the best night's sleep in many, many, many weeks while we were away!  We headed home Easter Sunday.  I was feeling the onset of a cold.  Ugh!  Today, Monday, April 6 finds me feeling well, feeling very anxious for tomorrow, my second treatment!  After tomorrow, I will be 2/, 1/4 of the way done with chemo!  Woo hoo!  All in all, everything has gone very well for me.  So much better than I expected.  I know things can change and can change quickly.  But for now, I continue to count my blessings!  I've got this!

Once again, many, many thanks to all that have sent cards, prayed, and helped us in so many ways!  Special thanks to Cole's coworkers.  We're speechless.  There truly are not enough words to express our gratitude for what you did!  We are so grateful for everyone and everything!  

Let groundhog day commence...

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